from Brad’s website…

Brad W. Foster is an enigma to all save the tax man, who isn’t fooled by anyone! He comes from a long and distinguished line of European royalty (though they will deny it, and have gone to great pains to erase his name from the family tree, but it is true, so there!). Like many, he fled from Europe during the war. Which war is still up to conjecture, due to the liberal use of plastic surgery and body enhancing (or de-hancing, as the case may be) implants. His devotion to this attempt to disguise his connection to his privileged background is most evident in the fact that, while possessing a glorious mane of luxurious hair, and the rippling physique of a world-class bodybuilder, he has had the majority of those hairs plucked one by one from his head, and is involved in a constant battle to hide his washboard-muscled stomach under an impressive gut.